Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog Post #5 Project Concept - An Audience with the King

My idea for a project is a short play that compares the three rhetorical appeals - Logos, Pathos and ethos. The purpose of the drama will be to illustrate three forms of artistic proof for the same situation. If the writing is effective, it will present the audience with a choice - which of the proofs was most effective? In a matter of life and death what sort of appeal would work on them?

The simple story of the play will present three characters - Bertrand, Hawking and Pope each who have been caught stealing from The King. They have been summoned to answer for their crimes and The King suggests that he will only forgive one of them.

Each man will then present his case, not only to The King, but to his son, Lot, who will make the final determination.

It seems like a simple idea, but I do worry that it will be difficult to execute. Ideally, I would present the play to an audience with three different endings and allow them to choose. The purpose is to examine how appeals to logic, emotion and credibility can wildly change our opinions on the issues despite the facts at hand.

The format:

One act play


rhetorical artistic proofs

Cast of characters:

Bertrand - a representation of logos

Hawking - a representation of ethos

Pope - a representation of pathos

Lot - a spoiled child

The King - rules the mob, allows Lot the illusion of choice

An Old Lady

A Beautiful Girl

A Thin Man

Let me know what you think. Thanks.

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